This is the 25 metre range. It has 8 firing points and is mainly used for prone .22 shooting, but can also be used for both air and full-bore weapons.
Prone shooting is a precision shooting discipline, which is probably the one that needs most equipment – a .22 rifle, glove, jacket and sling. The jacket helps to hold your body in the correct positon, the sling helps to support the rifle and keep it on target, a spotting scope to see where your shots have hit the target, and a mat to lie on, but don’t worry the club has all the equipment you will need.
Prone shooting is practised at most target shooting clubs.There is a lot of satisfaction in trying to shoot your first poss (100).
If you would like any more infomation about the club, joining etc. please go to our contact page or send us an email at or even phone us on 01942 826336 (Monday or Thursday; 7-9PM).